Hackathon 0x0d - Slack My Ticket 🧾

Presentation 🤓 In recent years, there has been significant progress in the field of artificial intelligence, especially with the development of lightweight models that can run locally and provide good results. These local AIs are interesting because they ensure data confidentiality, which is a crucial factor in our work environment. As a software company, we use many digital tools to facilitate our work and collaboration among colleagues. Among these tools, we use Slack for internal communication and Redmine for project management.

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Hackathon 0x0c - Rive - A state machine animation builder

For the designers Introduction: What is Rive? Rive is a brand new animation tool and we tested it to try its innovative features that bring in interactivity while keeping good performance. Today we’re using Lottie and we’re comparing it to Rive. Lottie is an After Effects plugin. It allows motion designs to be exported out of After Effects and used in-app with their own JS runtime, an NPM Library. While Lottie is built on top of After Effects, Rive is built from scratch with its own animation software allowing developers to add interactivity to their animations.

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Hackathon 0x0c - Language Server Protocol (LSP)

Objective Text editors are essential tools for software developers. These editors provide many useful features to make developers’ lives easier and improve their productivity. There is a wide variety of text editors. Moreover, each language has its own characteristics and each company/project may decide to adopt different coding rules. For all these reasons, it is difficult to offer a configuration suitable for everyone. In this hackathon, we tried to help developers configure their text editors correctly for optimal performance.

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Web Speech API - Creating a web interface with 0 clicks

Context and purpose This project was part of the 12th Intersec Hackathon (0x0C). We had 2 days (31 hours) to develop and present our project. Our team consisted of Yohann Balawender and Benoît Mariat. The purpose of our project was to explore the Web Speech API and to use it in an Intersec product to send verbal commands that would replace the use of a mouse, even for complex actions.

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Hackathon 0x0c - Testing Nexus Repository Manager

Background At Intersec, we have produced and installed multiple applications over the years, and installed them on multiple platforms (various OS) for many customers all over the world. Today some of these applications are in a “maintenance only” mode (we no longer add features to them). However, we must keep the artifacts (mainly packages for Debian and Red Hat) currently installed on the customer’s premises. We also regularly build new versions of our “active” products (to add new features and bugfixes), also on multiple OS.

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More about QPOD

The previous article on QPOD was mainly about intercepting commands from the shell. The handling of these commands was not really described. This is the purpose of this article. QPOD environment and template Before taking a look at how QPOD handles the execution of various programs, we need to introduce the QPOD environment. An environment defines a directory in which QPOD will handle program execution. As QPOD is designed for building and running programs, it uses the git repository to define an environment location.

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Why use Flutter for Mobile dev?

Developing a mobile app for both iOS and Android platform At Intersec, we recently launched our new alerting product, Trela. With this product, mayors can alert and communicate local information to their subscribers. And today, in order to easily send send information to people, we use mobile apps. That’s why we decided to enable this communication channel in our product. When we began this project, we had some requirements. The code has to be:

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Hackathon 0x0a - Deep stop-segments: when cellular location and image recognition encounter

Objective Expertise in location data is at the core of Intersec technologies. Retrieving and exploiting such data from cellular networks helps us address use cases in various fields like public safety, location-based advertising or smart cities and territories. When dealing with raw locations retrieved at an antenna level within these networks, a central challenge is to infer when a device is staying in the same area or when it is moving.

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Hackathon 0x0b – Guiding the user through our products with VueMyTips

The task This hackathon subject is actually the continuation of work started in a previous hackathon under the name “Help me Please”: a system of interactive tours that guide the user through our products. Our solutions offer a large variety of possibilities, and proposing guidance would unlock their full potential to the end user. Several conclusions were drawn from the “Help Me Please” experience: From a user point of view, such tours are typically shown during first launch, which could be, but not always is, the perfect time to bug the user with a long tutorial.

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Hackathon 0x0b – Speed up web builds using esbuild + Healthcheck in Grafana

Our original goal for this hackathon this year was to speed up the web builds. But, as you will see, this year is special, and we have not tackled one, but two subjects in the same hackathon! Speed up web builds using esbuild Before the hackathon, our web build system was basically composed of webpack , with ts-loader to transpile TypeScript into JavaScript, fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin to enable TypeScript type checking, and eslint for additional static analysis.

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